AsSalam.sudah lama ku tidak menulis di dalam blog kesayanganku.Hari yg ku lalui semakin hari semakin indah walaupun pada mulanya terasa payah dan kusut bila diberi kan tugasan memangku tugasan Ketua Siaran Harmoni.Tugasan pertamaku adalah menghadiri mesyuarat H.O.D.OMG!menjadi seorang ketua bukan semudah yg disangka & dibangga2kan.Beban tanggungjawab yg terpikul di bahuku tersangat berat rasanya.Lebih-lebih lagi bila aku ditugaskan menyediakan Budget 2010.Bukan mudah untuk mendapatkan kerjasama dari ke semua pekerja bawahan,tetapi berkat sabar & pengalamanku bergaul bersama mereka bertahun2 membuatkan aku & mereka seperti sebuah keluarga.Setelah berhempas pulas,akhirnya budget yg dikehendaki siap & sudah diserahkan pada ketuaku. Kini aku cuba menikmati cuti tahun baru 2010 walaupun aku menghidap flu.Menurut DrNasibah,maybe i got nodule in my throat menyebabkan suaraku berubah.So,aku disaran-kan berjumpa dgn Dr pakar ENT pada 18/1/2010 ini.Semalam,walaupun suhu badanku panas aku mampu menggagahi diriku menikmati makan malam bersama keluargaku di Restoran Aminah Arif,Batu Bersurat.I'm happy if my family happy.Alhamdulillah..
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Kerja oh..kerja..
Posted by salmi at 20:49 0 comments
Sunday, 13 December 2009
RTB as my second home r u guys?Selamat Menyambut Awal Tahun Hijrah 1431.On this coming Thursday, I have to standby at the studio for HM's Titah.I silently pray that everything will be alright.I remembered that faithful day when I was waiting on a long queue for my turn to get interviewed by Hj Zaini Hj Yusof (once a famous announcer at RTB).I remembered saying,"Saya meminati seni," as Hj Zaini asked me why I wanted to joined RTB.I was so nervous during that time that all my hands were very cold & I got butterflies in my stomach.July 16th 1996 was the day of Harmoni Fm being launched ON AIR and that was the day I communicate with Brunei people 'live' from 94.1 fm. I was a part-timer till 2002. Thanks to CtNorain who inspired me years ago with the remark: "You should further your studies abroad". Alhamdulillah.. despites all the obstacles that I've been through, I am..the same old salmi but new spirits.I'm getting closer to Allah, The Creator.If my mom knew the unvarnished truth about my loneliness/struggling with the deadline/my sinus problem/menorrhagea etc she'd have instant high sugar level in her blood and the doctor would say,'Did anyone give her a terrible shock?'.Mom..thanks for everything especialy your prayer for me.And to my lovely but over protected hubby who became my punching bag through the year..I'm sorry abang if i ever lost my temper during my hardest time.Even now almost a month since the last exam and here I am in my hometown, my hubby keep on saying,'Syukur eh..alai abis dah..lapang rasa dadaku' mom keeps on saying,'Adang tah belajar lagi lai..siksa ku meliat.' But,u know what?My heart is beating faster whenever I'm thinking 'What if i pursue my M.A at UBD?' but i know what will my hubby say,'why not?' i always knew that he will okay it, but how bout my mom? And I already knew what will my kids say to me.'Uh oh..not again..mommy when can you have a break?' I remember that day when I tried to finish my project paper,I was under stressed,what's more was that the deadline was so close..I ever shouted at my kids to leave me alone & life really got bored & the whole house was in the silent mode,I remembered watching 'arif cried..OMG..I'm truly deeply sorry to my kids. Alhamdulillah,now that I've finished my course & will get my degree by end of Dec,my mind is so clear,no more stressful more quizes in class which carried 10 marks to worry about,no more panda eyes as a result of sleepless night finishing the 30 pages of each assignments, no more..Alhamdulillah.. Allah is Great!!Now I am ready to face the challenge in the real media world..Well life is not that sucks actually!
Posted by salmi at 02:33 0 comments
Friday, 27 November 2009
'Arif Al-Aziz at PGGMB School's Concert
Alhamdulillah my son 'Arif Al-Aziz is being promoted to Year 2 next year (2010).He's no.2 of all the Year 1 classes.But in his class (Year 1 Green)he's in no.1 rank with 98% marks. Alhamdulillah!I was touched when I saw him danced 'Hi-5 dance' on the stage..He was so grown up!so fast!I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks when his name being called on the stage to receive his prize as a 2nd winner.Also attended at the concert was his grandma,his dad,big bro Hazim & his sister Muna,aunty & uncle (our loyal maid & driver).These are some pics & video taken before & during the concert.Happy advance 7th birthday to 'Arif for his coming 10th December 2009 birthday!May Allay bless you my son,my pray always b with u,I've lost/missed 3yrs being without u as mommy was in KL for 3yrs.
Posted by salmi at 22:03 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Reporting to work on 16/11/2009
Life must goes on..How i miss my radio station Harmoni 94.1Fm & of course my fans.. hehe..Alhamdulillah today 19/11/2009 i managed On Air for one hour with Dee Jay Iskandar & Alhamdulillah my fans still remember me..that's the warmest welcome i got from them since i come back from KL. I'm touched by them. Most of them texting me thru the texting system that provided by Radio Television Brunei where they pay 0.50cents (RM1+) per message.
Posted by salmi at 19:16 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Alhamdulillah & Terima Kasih Abang..
Salam...hidup tidak bermakna tanpa matlamat.However,aku bersyukur kerana my first mission almost accomplished.Almost!17 December pastinya hari yg mendebarkan menunggu keputusan semester terakhir.15 Nov ne im going back for good with my kids Hazim,Muna & Arif.Im gonna miss Alamanda,miss UKM,miss my lecturers and everything bout Bangi. Bukan mudah menggapai cahaya.Belajar sambung degree..kedengarannya mudah tetapi utk menggapainya tidaklah semudah yg dikatakan.Setiap hari memerlukan pengurusan masa yang berkesan.Setiap hari ditemui masalah baru dan memerah otak untuk membuat keputusan.Tiada tempat untuk manusia yang suka berlengah-lengah.Jika berlengah akan ketinggalan segala-galanya.Tiga tahun ku di UKM,tidak pernah ku hirau air mataku yang tumpah.Air mata kerinduan di waktu malam,tatkala sepi menggamit hati.Air mata kesakitan tatkala kakiku terseliuh atau tatkala belakang atau bahuku sakit.Selawat Syifa' dan Panadol teman setiaku.Tidak juga pernah ku hiraukan berapa banyak keringatku mengalir kerana takut tatkala memandu di jalan raya yang asing dan kadang-kala bersaing dgn pemandu2 yg tidak berhemah di jalan raya.Bumper to bumper.Peluh dinginku mengalir laju tatkala terpaksa membuat U-Turn kerana tersalah jalan atau tatkala terlewat datang kelas.Lain lagi keringat lelahku berjalan kaki setiap hari dari kawasan parkir kereta ke kelas perkuliahan.Namun,segalanya berakhir kini.Puji & Syukur Alhamdulillah ku panjatkan kpd Allah yg sering mendengar keluhan hati & munajatku selama ini.Dan tidak lupa pada suamiku yang layak ku gelar suami Mithali kerana banyak membantuku merealisasikan impianku selama ini.Terima kasih abang..
Posted by salmi at 19:58 0 comments
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Nukilan rasa..
Assalamualaikum..entah knapa hatiku berdebar bila ingatkan balik Brunei.Mungkin aku sudah terlalu lama bermastautin di bumi Malaysia.Apakah ini juga yg dinamakan tahap kejutan kemasukan semula setelah berada lama di rantau orang?I'm so scared..sudah lama bumi kelahiranku ku tinggalkan..bnyak perkara yang harus ku update.Esp info terkini tntang pejabatku & negaraku Brunei Darussalam..di bumi ku dilahirkan,dididik & dibesarkan.Tidak lama lagi ku kan pulang membawa impian.Impianku,impian keluarga, impian negara dan pastinya beban yang tergalas di bahuku belum selesai lagi..Hidup di negara orang mengajar aku tabah,kuat,meningkatkan kendiri dan rasa tercabar serta puas dapat berinteraksi dengan masyarakat yg mempunyai pelbagai budaya yg berbeza. I come..but sedih tidak dapat ku ungkapkan untuk meninggalkan bumi UKM..universiti yg mengajarku erti kehidupan sebenar,yang mengajar ku erti dewasa dan berfikir jauh..masih ku ingat..kicauan burung tiung tanah yang menyambut kedatanganku sebaik sahaja ku melangkah keluar dari keretaku di pagi hari..lembutnya sang bayu pagi dan hangatnya mentari menyapa wajahku di pagi hari..kini..tiada lagi kicauan burung yang menyambutku..because..i'm busy packing my things & studying for my exam at home..Ahahah!!apa yang penting semua yg kita lakukan berdasdarkan niat, because Allah looks at our intention..Allah tidak menyukai hamba-hambanya yg mempunyai perasaan bangga diri walau sebesar biji sawi..Naudzubillah..Hey friends! Perbaiki niat kalian..aku bersyukur padamu Ya Allah yang membantuku mudah menjawab kertas-kertas peperiksaanku & memudahkan aku menyiapkan kerja-kerja kuliahku. Subhanallah..Walhamdulillah..Walailahaillallah..Wallahu Akbar...Wala haula wala quwwata illa billahillaliyulazim..
Posted by salmi at 05:58 0 comments
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Selamat Hari Raya!!!
Salam...whoa..lama dh i didn't update my blog..busy doing asgnment at hari raya to finish my 40 pages asgnmnt..but 2 more months me graduate!!! the way Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my frens,family and minta maaf sgala ksalahan..sekiranya ada salah cakap,salah dengar,salah liyat,salah jalan,salah orang,salah nombor,salah apa lagi eh??ahahhah..bubbye,that's oll 4 now..and 1 more thing..Man United forever!!
Posted by salmi at 06:47 0 comments
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Happy Ramadhan & Mid Sem Exam
Salam...tau tak per?Rasanya sudah seminggu aku terperap di rumah..maklum orang nak score dlm exam huhu..My mid exam was on d 25th&26th.Alhamdulillah..I did it!Last exam was held @Bilik Kuliah Fakulti Ekonomi Perniagaan this morning.Thnks to Pn Rohani(lecturer of Principles of Human Resources Management)who emphasized us to buy the HRM books.They are really useful for my course & carrier.Mula minggu lepas dah aku bersengkang mata x tido malam (now i got Panda eyes)untuk khatam 2 buku HRM..dunno why took so long to finish reading any academic books unlike reading my fav novels which I can finish only in 1 day!!I've studied sooo hard to score 'A' that if i don't get any,no hurt feeling though..coz I did my best to pass my exam.Indeed,this is what i call BERDOA,BERUSAHA & BERTAWAKKALso just redha with Qadha' & Qadar Allah..btway..happy fasting to my all Moslems..Bye..need to catch some sleep..will do some packing tmrow..tak sabar rasanya nak balik Brunei..ku menghitung hari ketibaan 2 Sept..Mama & kids,ku rindukan kalian..2 Sept lalalala...
Posted by salmi at 11:22 0 comments
Sunday, 9 August 2009
What a wonderful (?) world
Salam..My mind is sooo clear today as clear as the clouds in the sky.I did spring cleaning & tidy up my messy book shelves.Then,try to finish Kak Gee's notes on Audience Analysis.OMG!are d words becoming smaller each day or is it my eyes?like my eyes get smaller(?) what's the word she wrote on the note??Is it Foundations,Fervent & Future?what's the word Fervent doing there?oh dear..where's my reading glasses?dunno why nowadays my reading glasses seems very important to me & a must item in my handbag..can't live w/out it.Actually,I did check-up my eyes & d Eye Dr said i need not only reading glasses but i need a pair of REAL glasses..NO!!dont like wearing them..u know why?fear it'll limit my activities..for can i jog my 8 laps in d stadium if those glasses barely perched on my sweating & oily nose & keep slipping away from my eyes?It'll look silly ok?seems like my nose are using dem more often than my how?then,the Dr also said,once u put on d glasses,u must put dem on kind of 4ever!!Dats y i dont want to make my self the REAL glasses..YUCK!!but i guess the time has come for me to wear the glasses..u know what?hubby just given a loud scream as MU given a penalty kick opportunity just now..I think all d neighbour nearby could heard him..huh!BTW my lunch tday was Pari Asam Pedas + ladies finger + sambal pusu + tempoyak + ulam2an,do u know how much did it cost?=RM4.50 only..dats why i love eating out,cheaper than cooking by yurself.As a dessert,i ordered myself a bowl of Bubur Kacang=RM1.00 only.Then I ordered a giant glass of Ice Coffee RM1.20 only.Ya Allah kuatkan Imanku supaya menahan nafsu makanku..but they're all damn cheap here in how can i stop myself for not eating those cheap thingy but are expensive in my hometown?O..Ohh!I just broke my diet again.So,to make amends of my wrong doing,I jogged for 8 laps @BBB (Bandar Baru Bangi)Stadium dis afternoon.But then I did it again!Guess what's my dinner tnyte?I got a giant Gearbox (with a plastic straw poked into the hole of the buffalo's ligament)am i right??+ fried kueyteow @the Warung Dusun Gearbox,Bangi.But it's the best Gearbox in town!Never mind!i promise myself that I will eat the 'non-sin' food tomorrow.But M'sia MEGA SALES is ON now!!help me!!!so,in that case,i gtg..need to do my assignmnt on the audience analysis for 10-12 pages,then doing a survey & make a full 20-25 pages report of it..its very what else did i do here?u think im having fun ere?dont want to let my govt down,so GTG & finish this analysis....bye!!(yawn-12:33 midnyte)
Posted by salmi at 08:34 0 comments
Friday, 31 July 2009
Me & Kids pics
Salam..these are pics of me at Studio RTB(d new complex)as a presenter of a religious program,Al-Hidayah(produced by Wasli).Guys u don't get jealous,Im a big fan of Maria(Brunei popular singer).To Maria:Good luck with yur studies!!Smoga pulang ke tanah air membawa kejayaan dan menjadi seorang sarjana yg disegani & disayangi peminatmu..My pray always b with u!!here also pic of Adib P2F(during MoU program UBD & S'pore).And these are the cute adek2 Singapore students.And that is where i study my elective courses of The Principle of Organization Management & The Principles of Human Resources Management.Well,this last pic ?They are my precious kids playing guitar at Hazim's room(OMG!!so many musicians at home).Anyway,TQ my boy for teaching yur li'l bro & sis how to play guitar (I mis yur voice my big boy!)I mis 'em soooo muchh!!Ya Allah..smoga pengajianku cpat tamat..AMIN...
Posted by salmi at 08:38 0 comments
The Taking of Pelham 123
Salam...u all should watch The Taking of Pelham 123Best!!!gandingan John Travolta & Denzel Washington sungguh i bought my daughter Dear Dumb Diary collection @MPH cheap!!!Purchase 3 books for d price of 2!!(RM18.90 each)but so's the last day (31/07/09).No wonder she (daughter) luv Jim Benton(the author)so much..i laugh thru the pages!!(OMG!!why read teen's books anyway??)but indeed i still consider Sophie Kinsella's books are the funniest!!Muna eat yur heart out!!u r not allowed to read sophie's til u akil baligh.. hahhaha..I also bought 'Arif (my 6yrs boy)Disney story books i.e. Bolt:My Best Friend-28pages for RM7.90,The Incredibles (Disney graphic novel)for RM7.90-48pages.I hope he'll read it slowly,like 1 page ONLY perday to save me from buying him another new storybooks hahahh (what a cruel mother!!)..uwarghhhh tmrow Sat(no class)will hunt for another bookshops...I promise myself i won't buy another sophie's til next month,coz i'm addicted to her books..oh sophie..i'm yur big fan!!Owh..its kinda late now(11:35pm)..tired...Nyte2 everyone..
Posted by salmi at 08:08 0 comments
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Ambuyat recipe @Saji Magazine
Salam.Today I & hubby gt our lunch @Alamanda.I looved Mee Hoon Curry so much!It costs MYR6.90 only.Normally we'll watch movie at GSC Alamanda but none of the movie showing has caught my eyes yet today.Yeah!True!Why?coz i've watched Tansformers & Obsessed oready and im being sceptical of Johnny Depp's capability in his latest movie (forgot d title),his character as a 'pirate' permanently prominent than his other character.U knw what? as i cruised along the lane of Cadbury chocolate lane @Carrefour,I got free sample of new Cadbury dark chocolate.Then,i got a free cup of Nescafe there too (even the cup is so small that i can swallow the whole cup,but syukur rezki datang jgn ditolak..heheh).Then I got a free Sun Newspaper today. So, what can I say?I guess it's my lucky day.Then we went to the fruit lane & u won't believe what did i buy?Two packets of DURIAN costing RM10 only..Yay!So cheap!even though i have to break my diet today..i just can't resist Durian..I love Durian so much!!Then I saw this Saji magazine (published by Utusan Karya & I know the CEO very well,u can see my photo with him later).Shining bright on the cover written 'Ambuyat resepi tradisi Brunei'(sthg like dat).Wah!rupanya The Rizqun International Hotel sponsored the Utusan Karya journalists for 4 days.So proud of our traditional food Ambuyat!!Thanks Utusan Karya journalist esp.Saji writers/journalist. As u can see here is my house at no.129, in Bandar Baru Bangi.My briskwalking activity at the Stadium Section 15,Bandar Baru Bangi becomes my routine every afternoon (except last Wed).Alhamdulillah so far i managed finished 8 laps for 30mins (so slow huh?well i only walked for god's sake!!!not jogged!!!)but today I must reached my goal (10 laps for 30 mins).Normally I start d activity at 6.30pm till 7pm (maghrib here is 7.20 or 7.28pm).Tonyte i'm going to Carrefour Alamanda, Putrajaya again and wil buy some more durians (plan to keep 'em in my fridge for my whole 5 months stock..Yay!!!So true!!!
Posted by salmi at 02:32 0 comments
Friday, 17 July 2009
Bachelors in Social Sciences of Media Communication [BSSOc (Hons)],UKM
These are some pics of my UKM colleagues at Equatorial Hotel,Bangi during the farewell party for them..all of them has graduated im lonely,good bye & good luck Pearl,Intan,Kymie,Lini,Fizah,Adeq,Yong,Am & sad..Apa2 pun.. perjuangan harusku teruskan..aku merupakan salah seorang pelajar yang terlewat mendaftar..orang lain dah habis Sem 1,aku baru joint UKM ketika Sem 2 sebab tu ler aku terpaksa habiskan pelajaran yang tertinggal...sedih2...segalanya sudah tersurat di Lokh Mahfuz..redha ku terima Qadha & Qadar Allah..pasti ada hikmah di sebalik kelewatanku..kan kan?? betul betul betul!!
Posted by salmi at 07:42 0 comments
Help our world by REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE
Salam..hi frens..Do u know that composting is an inexpensive,natural process that transforms yur kitchen & garden waste into a valuable & nutrient rich food for yur garden? Do u know that green thingy are quick to rot & provide important nitrogen & moisture to yur soil?? eg:tea bags,grass cutting,vegetable peelings,salad leaves & fruit scrap.But the brown thingy is slower to rot,provide carbon & fibre.Please bear on yur mind: NEVER COMPOST MEAT,COOKED VEGETABLES,DAIRY PRODUCTS & DISEASED PLANTS.
Happy Gardening!!! I loooooove gardening...can't wait to come back home (Brunei)..I miz kelupis inti udang..huhuuu
Posted by salmi at 07:24 0 comments
Hubby so concerned!!
Before I & hubby leaved for KL,both of us got the Seasonal Influenza injection at Pusat Kesihatan Berakas B along with our kids & our niece (even though they're not going to KL with us)
Posted by salmi at 07:09 0 comments
Posted by salmi at 07:06 0 comments
Posted by salmi at 06:58 0 comments
This pics taken at Pusat Kesihatan Berakas B,me & family getting our Seasonal Influenza Injections..U can see me,my daughter Muna & my youngest daring 'Arif,my son Hazim,my nephew Gatz & of course my hubby..hehhe..all were getting nervous in the Pusat Rawatan room!!!
Posted by salmi at 06:49 0 comments
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Worried of H1N1 :(
I'm so worried of this i call end of the world disease.H1N1=Swine Flu is really spreading fast.But so far its safe at my place here in UKM,Bangi.I was so shock when Australia confessed that 6,000 people will die in the country if the antidotes hasn't found yet.So far,Mexico is safe now.But South America is worst!It reaches 10,000 victims now at Chile.Guess what?The actor of Harry Porter(the blonde guy: Rupert)has infected wit d swine flu!!At first he thought it was an ordinary flu.He gt sore throat and running nose & guess what? he even kissed a gal of Harry Porter actress.Only God knws what had happened to d gal he kissed now.During the interview I saw his nose was & he keeps on sniffing.Poor Rupert!!!huhu..Pls get well soon Rupert! (as if he may visit my blog?!)hahhahh! I also want to thanks my Brunei Govt Kerajaan Kebawah DYMM Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Dipertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam keranna memberikan perkhidmatan suntikan percuma bagi Seasonal Influenza (once a year) far Im fine here even my classmates got sore throat, running nose & coughing (sooo bad here).Wearing my mask in d class is a must to me & become the accessory of my attire everyday here in UKM.While using my hand sanitizer becomes my habit bout u? r u wearing any mask there? please wear it b4 its too late..even its suffocated me at first,but now Im getting used to it..heheh
Posted by salmi at 08:18 0 comments
1st Sems (sessions of 2009/2010) begins..
Salam..hi frens!It's been so long since i didn't tell u my story..Im at Bangi hom now.Its 10:45pm.Its been 2 months since i leave my Bangi House(at Seksyen 8,Bandar Baru Bangi)u can see my house later in this blog k? Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Adil lagi Maha Kaya..Syukur Alhamdulilah all of my courses are much easier than before & guess what?? I only got classes on Monday til Wed & the rest..tidoooo! Menalur! haha.I got 6 courses,my final exam will be held Oct to Nov 09.Meaning December 09 Im free like a bird..I didn't notice my 3 years course will end by Dec 09.Alhamdulillah 5 more months aku akan bergelar sarjana..its not easy man..because to accomplish GREAT THINGS, we must not only act, but also DREAM, not only plan, but also BELIEVE that u can do it!! Im thinkin to do my master in Media & Cultural Studies but I knw its a slim chance to do so.But,i plan to do it with my own expenses (BND3 to 4K per year) @University of Brunei Darussalam later as a part time student. Meaning I will study at night & weekend..What?? U can study till u drop dead ryte? no one can stop u!! Its yur decision..if u dare to dream it..if u r willing to work hard at it..surely u can achieve it! So what? Its your life anyway..and u have d right to direct yur life..+ doa & tawakkal to Allah.. Btway my 6 courses for this sems are: 1)Organization Management Principle, 2)Human Resources Management Prnciple 3)Family & Kinship in Sosiologies 4)Audience Analysis 5)Intercultural Communication and the last one is an elective course (I choose the easiest one) Wanita Menurut Perspektif Islam..senang gilerr..assignment pun 15 pages ONLY..& btway, the Human Resources Management Principle is held at Faculty of Business learn how to handle workers. Assisgnment? dunno yet..while d assignment for the Organization Management Principle is 30 pages with references not less than 20 references..COOL & CRAZY!!! The rest..dunno yet (hey! class just started, so how will i know?)Nest Tuesday I got Fieldwork Expedition at KLCC for the Intercultural Communications from 9am till 2pm. Btway u won't be seeing me as Im gonna be invisible and will become a fly on the wall..huhu..dats what Prof Madya Dr Latifah wants us to do. "I want u guys to be invisible and be like a fly on the wall" God..I miss Brunei sooo much!!
Posted by salmi at 07:33 0 comments
Friday, 19 June 2009
Calak Lambai or Apam Cacah???
Oh my..I gt it wrong!!! I dont even know which one is Calak Lambai or apam cacah..but both of 'em are delicious!! it's a Brunei Traditional Kue. Inilah masanya aku menikmati kuih tradisi Brunei sepuasnya sebelum balik bertapa di bumi Malaysia meneruskan perjuanganku membawa pulang segulung ijazah. Harga calak lambai yang dibuat oleh seorang yang ku gelar babu di Kg Pelambayan 2 keping BND1.Selain apam cacah (wit green gravy like kaya)kelupis kusung babu also best of d best!!I can get 5 kelupis kosong for BND1 while yang ada inti udang 4 pieces for BND1.Thanks hubby for menunaikan hajat makan kue u oways!!
Tonyte I plan to watch Eden Lake with family (horror one??)
Posted by salmi at 05:33 0 comments
Brad Pitt makes me cry..
Last nyte I watched Bradd Pitt (DVD) in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button no wonder it gt so many awards!!!The film received 13 Academy Awards nominations including Best Picture,Best Director,Best Actor for Pitt and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji.It won 3 oscars, the best Art Direction, the best Makeup & the best Visual Effects.The fim was released in the U.S on Dec 25th 2008, but I can only watched it last nyte...
Bagi anda yang loves photography should watch dis film..angle shot yang bijak produced esthetic misc-en-scene..It was sooooo beautiful.. Semua elemen misc-en-scene digunakan dalam filem trsbt membuatku teruja.
Posted by salmi at 05:11 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Nada bicaramu mengalahkan halilintar
Yang bisa menghancur luluhkan hati sikecil
menangis hiba ketakutan
dipangkuan dan pelukan perindungan
Isi bicaramu mengalahkan sipengkritik
yang bisa menjunamkan harga diri yang mahal
jatuh terperosok ke dasar bumi
Kelat wajahmu bisa mengunci lidah
seketika tidak berfungsi
kelu membisu seribu bahasa
Pedangmu berkilat mencari mangsa
mencantas hancur jiwa yang lemah
Namun..sebilah pedangmu itu
belum tentu menjaminmu di alam barzakh
belum tentu menjaminmu di akhirat nanti
belum tentu memasukkanmu ke taman firdausi
sekiranya mangsamu enggan memberi ampunanmu..
Posted by salmi at 07:43 0 comments
Internship begins..
Alhamdulillah akhirnya setelah berhempas pulas di bumi M'sia menyiapkan tesis,akhir nya dapat jua ku menghirup udara Brunei tanah air tercinta walaupun cuaca panas terik dan sakit tekakku kambuh lagi.Penempatan kerja di Bahagian Penerbitan Tv RTB sungguh mencabar...tugas seorang penerbit TV sangat jauh berbeza dengan penerbit radio yang menjadi periuk nasiku selama ini..walau bagaimanapun minda & fizikalku sangat tenang berdekatan dengan anak-anak yang menjadi teman setiaku.
Perjuanganku belum selesai lagi..malah ku rasakan baru saja bermula.Tugasan seorang penerbit tv sungguh mencabar.Bermula dari mencari idea pre production hingga ke post production.
Posted by salmi at 04:25 0 comments
Monday, 15 June 2009
Mama & Bukit Shahbandar
Posted by salmi at 05:08 0 comments