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Friday, 17 July 2009

Bachelors in Social Sciences of Media Communication [BSSOc (Hons)],UKM

These are some pics of my UKM colleagues at Equatorial Hotel,Bangi during the farewell party for them..all of them has graduated now..so sad..now im lonely,good bye & good luck Pearl,Intan,Kymie,Lini,Fizah,Adeq,Yong,Am & all..sob..sob...so sad..Apa2 pun.. perjuangan harusku teruskan..aku merupakan salah seorang pelajar yang terlewat mendaftar..orang lain dah habis Sem 1,aku baru joint UKM ketika Sem 2 sebab tu ler aku terpaksa habiskan pelajaran yang tertinggal...sedih2...segalanya sudah tersurat di Lokh Mahfuz..redha ku terima Qadha & Qadar Allah..pasti ada hikmah di sebalik kelewatanku..kan kan?? betul betul betul!!