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Thursday, 16 July 2009

1st Sems (sessions of 2009/2010) begins..

Salam..hi frens!It's been so long since i didn't tell u my story..Im at Bangi hom now.Its 10:45pm.Its been 2 months since i leave my Bangi House(at Seksyen 8,Bandar Baru Bangi)u can see my house later in this blog k? Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Adil lagi Maha Kaya..Syukur Alhamdulilah all of my courses are much easier than before & guess what?? I only got classes on Monday til Wed & the rest..tidoooo! Menalur! haha.I got 6 courses,my final exam will be held Oct to Nov 09.Meaning December 09 Im free like a bird..I didn't notice my 3 years course will end by Dec 09.Alhamdulillah 5 more months aku akan bergelar sarjana..its not easy man..because to accomplish GREAT THINGS, we must not only act, but also DREAM, not only plan, but also BELIEVE that u can do it!! Im thinkin to do my master in Media & Cultural Studies but I knw its a slim chance to do so.But,i plan to do it with my own expenses (BND3 to 4K per year) @University of Brunei Darussalam later as a part time student. Meaning I will study at night & weekend..What?? U can study till u drop dead ryte? no one can stop u!! Its yur decision..if u dare to dream it..if u r willing to work hard at it..surely u can achieve it! So what? Its your life anyway..and u have d right to direct yur life..+ doa & tawakkal to Allah.. Btway my 6 courses for this sems are: 1)Organization Management Principle, 2)Human Resources Management Prnciple 3)Family & Kinship in Sosiologies 4)Audience Analysis 5)Intercultural Communication and the last one is an elective course (I choose the easiest one) Wanita Menurut Perspektif Islam..senang gilerr..assignment pun 15 pages ONLY..& btway, the Human Resources Management Principle is held at Faculty of Business School..cool..we learn how to handle workers. Assisgnment? dunno yet..while d assignment for the Organization Management Principle is 30 pages with references not less than 20 references..COOL & CRAZY!!! The rest..dunno yet (hey! class just started, so how will i know?)Nest Tuesday I got Fieldwork Expedition at KLCC for the Intercultural Communications from 9am till 2pm. Btway u won't be seeing me as Im gonna be invisible and will become a fly on the wall..huhu..dats what Prof Madya Dr Latifah wants us to do. "I want u guys to be invisible and be like a fly on the wall" God..I miss Brunei sooo much!!